Screenplay Prep


I will always push you as a client to write something first, such that it gives you a sense of ownership, includes your vision, and echoes your style. Only then will I edit your work and help you progress it, rather than write it for you.
Click to see service examples:
NOTE that time frames are based on when I can start work on your Screenplay. You will be advised via email.
Formatting & Basic Editorial - From $280
The bread and butter of Screenplay services. Choose this if you have completed your Screenplay to your satisfaction and want it checked over before submitting to the industry, be it a competition, agent or producer.
What you get:
Title Page check.
Spelling and grammar outside of dialogue, unless an obvious mistake.
Format and consistency check of Scene Headings.
Removal of unnecessary elements.
Splitting of large action description, being mindful of shots.
Clearing up of any confusing flashbacks, dreams, telephone conversations, device usage, montages and screen use. The key is consistency and clarity.
Removal of overuse/unnecessary use of parenthetical direction.
Fixing UPPERCASE elements.
Maintenance of film language and removal of camera direction, where possible.
Ensuring an industry standard page format, using Final Draft.
Price guide is from $280USD, depending on the format of your document.
Screenplays over 120 pages will incur an extra $2 per page fee.
Turnaround time is script and page dependent, but between 5-7 days.
You will be advised via email response with a quote of final price and time frame.
Synopsis or Treatment - From $120
Best written before you have begun your Screenplay, you want help honing your Synopsis or Treatment.
I will not write a Treatment for you. The reason is that this is a document representing your Screenplay, your story, your ideas. As the author, you need to get this down on the page first, without worrying about the edit. The story and the characters must follow your thoughts and presentation. Then use this service to shape and bring brevity and flow to your Treatment.
I can write a Synopsis for you, assuming you have your Screenplay to present first. Alternatively, if you are approaching this before your first draft (best method), I can edit what you have written.
Price guide is from $120USD, depending on the job.
Screenplays over 120 pages will incur an extra $2 per page fee.
Turnaround time is document and page dependent, but between 5-7 days.
You will be advised via email response with a quote of final price and time frame.
Logline - From $50
Ultimately, you have written your Logline before you have begun your Screenplay. Take a look at my FREE "Secrets To A Punchy Logline" download document here for the importance of a great Logline.
I can help you with your Logline, depending on where you are in your journey.
A basic fix of your Logline service is available for as little as $50.
Logline service from your synopsis is $80.
Logline service from your screenplay is $130.
Turnaround time is document and page dependent, but between 2-3 days.
You will be advised via email response with a quote of final price and time frame.
Query Letter - $95
Our Query Letter writing service costs $95. For that price we can guarantee a high quality query letter that will engage your readers’ emotions and promote your story in the most exciting way possible.
You will be transferred to the Script Mailer website to complete your order.